Even though there's a hazy, beautiful, white sparkling frost coating everything outside, I'm not exactly rushing out with my camera to snap away. It's starting to get a bit ...old. Instead, I thought I'd post a few shots of my living room fireplace.

On Saturday night, I spent quite a bit of time staring aimlessly at the fire. A basic amount of reverie is required when you have a fire in your fireplace. It's a given. It always makes me feel very connected to the former inhabitants of this old place. It's one feature that we use in exactly the same way it was always used: warming purposes and dreaming purposes. And if you turn the lights off, the shadows reveal their ghosts. But only for a split-second, and then you can resume your aimless staring. I'm certain it's a well-established tradition in this old place, and one I am responsible for keeping up. And I take my responsibilities very seriously.
Oh I love a good fire. Needing one too!
I love a wonderful fire and the sense of calm it inspires too.
Not to mention the felines love to sprawl in front of it and do their best imitations of roadkill.
How old is your house? Ours is from the early 40's which makes it pretty old by Atlanta standards LOL!
We don't have any ghosts, and we are the first inhabitants of our house, but we have a wood burning stove, and it is FANTASTIC.
Good Job....my attempted fireplace photos did not turn out near as nice.
You have been awarded the task of caring for that wonderful old house, and all the ghosts and dreams and flickering lights that come with it!
What a lovely post! Day dreaming in front of a crackling fire is inspiring!
The top picture looks like a face with two eyes, a nose and the grate and flames as a mouth.
Stay warm and dream....
Beautiful fire! We love our ancient house and fot-so-ancient fireplace. ..sure keeps those below zero temps at bay.
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