This is a photo of my circa 1890 pastry server (taken without a flash). How do I know that this particular piece is an 1890s pastry server?
Cause Martha Stewart magazine says so. Here is a photo spread from the March issue featuring the pastry server in the centre.

Here is a bird-themed needlepoint chair detail.
Bird salt and pepper shakers. I'd never really noticed before, but these particular birdies look somewhat unintelligent. Oh well.
Alabaster bird baths. Love these things, they have no real purpose, except to tickle peoples' fancy.

A birdy-themed wall hanging in my daughter's room (out of focus ceiling shot due to extreme toxic teen mess on the floor). Oh, and one of the bulbs is out in the chandelier.
Little wooden bird on windowsill.
Birdy votive holders.
Did you know that a bird dropping landing on your head is good luck? It's true. I'm looking forward to spring when there's a real bird extravaganza, complete with songs, laying of eggs, and much twittering and swooping. I'll be on the look-out for the first robin. Can't wait.