Ollie is two years old today!

'who, me?'
As you can see, he still needs to grow into his large ears and giant head, but it'll come. The time has gone so quickly....it seems only yesterday that he was born. Here he is, just hours after his birth (Sadie is still covered in sweat after all of her exertions).
Sadie has been such a great momma to Ollie. She has really turned out to be a most excellent horse. Ollie has inherited her even-tempered disposition and general unflappability. He has been a pretty easy horse to train, especially for two novices (o.k., one novice- my husband and our wonderful friend Ed did the training, I mostly watched, with my breath held, and my knickers in a twist).
My job was caretaker and official spoiler and smoocher. (Note to self: do not let people take pictures of me while wearing pyjama bottoms and a bun in my hair).
Ollie has always been treated with kindness, and he is a very open, friendly,trusting horse.
It's actually dificult to take photos of him in the pasture, because before you know it ....
he's practically sitting on my lap.
'Mwah'! here's your kiss, please don't eat my camera. My husband has been taking him for some trail rides with the other horses, and he has done very well, so far. I'll probably wait another, oh, I don't know, five years before I ride him (I'm that chicken of a rider).
Happy birthday little Ollie. Stay sweet.