Yesterday we were graced with sun and heat and wind. Enough to make a girl feel truly giddy. Our forested area has hardwood trees which take a long time to leaf- but nevertheless, things are greening up, there's no denying it!

I spied some wildflowers near the house and grabbed my camera. I know I promised a ramble, but think of this as a preview-I'll try to do a proper hike with the dogs, and boots and all of that, when it stops raining (it's bucketing down right now).
The wildflowers are usually small and delicate and easy to miss. You have to get down low (mud on the knees of your jeans) to try and capture their beauty.
This is a Trout Lily. I know because I looked it up.
These are white trout Lilies, which are apparently less common. We have a great many of them, and so we must be special.
Here is a little patch of trilliums. They are the official flower of Ontario, and so they cannot be picked. They do look a little prim and official, don't they?
Here is more of a glamour shot of a trillium, hey even official flowers have to let loose sometimes.
At the heart of the patch is a grouping of dark red trilliums. This patch is here year after year.
This flower is quite bold- I'm not sure but I think it's a bloodroot. They're quite vibrant and really stand out on the forest floor.
I don't know what these delicate little fellas are called, but they're pretty.
I'll try to do a little more research on the wildflower names etc.... and failing that, I can always just make stuff up. And until it stops raining, I guess I can just take a little breather.....